Outlook International LTD was established in 1999 in DaLingShan Town DongGuan City, which belongs to American. There are around 180 employees are working in our company now. Our head office is situated in USA. We also have offices all over Asia, such as office in HangZhou, Vietnam, Philippines, and Indonesia. We mainly run the trading of many kinds of high-class wooden and upholstery furniture. All products are American style and export to USA.Our business is flourishing and developing stably under the good direction of the management. We insist in good quality is equal to success. We always think that talent person is one of the most important factors to our success. 欧洛克国际有限公司成立于1999年,公司地址位于东莞市大岭山镇,纯属美资企业。目前公司在职人员约180人,总部设在美国,在亚洲其它地区也设有办公室,如杭州、嘉兴、越南、菲律宾以及印度尼西亚。本公司主要从事于各种木器和皮具等高档傢俱的开发、品质验货服务,所有检验的产品为美式风格及出口至美国。 由于管理有方,因此本公司的业务也一直在平稳地发展和壮大。我们坚信:好的品质是成功的秘诀,我们也相信人才是企业取胜的关键因素之一。 公司的福利状况如下: 1、本公司实行五天八小时工作制; 2、按照国家规定,公司为员工缴纳社会保险和住房公积金; 现诚聘以下职位: 请求职者通过智通人才网招聘系统应聘本公司的职位,或者通过本公司在智通人才网上留下的联系方式与本公司联系,本公司不会用手机或者小灵通的方式联系求职者,也不会在本公司所在地以外地点对求职者进行面试,请知悉。 请求职者通过智通人才网招聘系统应聘本公司的职位,或者通过本公司在智通人才网上留下的联系方式与本公司联系,请悉知。